Saturday, May 14, 2011

LinkedIn Lover

I'm a huge fan of LinkedIN and have been using it for years.

As the Resource Manager (Recruiter) for a Telecom Consulting Company I used LinkedIn all the time to find consultants who possessed the skills needed to fill the roles on the projects.

When I started a new part time job generating leads for a software company, I used LinkedIN to leverage my first-level contacts for introductions to potential customers (HR Managers, IT Managers, and Workforce Planners that were their first-level connections).

Another valuable function of LinkedIn is the ability to join groups of like minded individuals. Two such groups that I joined were a) Library and Information Technicians  and b) Social Media for Libraries, Library Friends, and Library Foundations. I follow discussion threads and offer my opinion when I feel I have something to offer.

One of the downsides to LinkedIn is the fact that in order to be able to contact people or get introduced through your connections, you need to subscribe...lowest fee is $19.95/month which is still worth it in my book.

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